‘Bike Thief’

I’ve had my bike stolen from campus in broad daylight on a school day, and I wondered if anybody saw the thief cutting my lock.

Well, it turns out it may not have mattered, according to this essay..


2 thoughts on “‘Bike Thief’”

  1. The problem is that someone stealing a bike looks just like someone who lost their key and is trying to unlock it.

    The author says people would report someone stealing a car, but that’s not necessarily the case. If you see someone struggling to get into a car, is your first thought car thief? Or is it, poor fella left his keys inside?

    1. But, how frequently do people lose their key in proportion to how frequently bikes are stolen. I say call the police and let them sort it out. If the bike is in fact not being stolen, there should be some record of who owns it. The Georgia Tech PD licenses bikes for this very reason.

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