Interested in going to TRB this year? Come to learn about how we can help you on funding, accommodation, and many other tips for your conference trip!
Tuesday, November 12
11:00 – 11:45 AM in SEB 122
Fill out this form to apply for funding for the ITE-Transportation Form (~$100 – $400 per student) https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=u5ghSHuuJUuLem1_Mvqggy-1GqtBcvVDqbtylGnWp6dUNlRKQk0zWUM0VkpCTDJFQllDUlQzQkFQUy4u
Do not forget that you need to be an ITE member to be eligible for ITE funds.
Looking to share accommodations with other GT students: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eBiIwM5Kx-w165lU8drnHhM_I5VYYYhnwpAonERg1uU/edit?usp=sharingÂ
Powerpoint Presentation About TRB and Funding: https://gtvault-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/setezady3_gatech_edu/Ed4vAU_t5sFMltj_XPHpI8ABDsDaW2rPKx6eNObtbpoOHA?email=becca%40se-asce2018.com&e=tZZzZn
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/417941442431470/