TRR citation style for Mendeley

Many ITE@GT members use Mendeley for their academic paper writing. One of the benefits of Mendeley is its use in Microsoft Word to automatically create in-text citations and bibliographies. You can then choose what journal style you want from a drop-down menu so that your citations and bibliography are formatted to be the style of that journal.

One of the most common journals transportation engineers submit to is the Transportation Research Record (TRR), the journal produced from Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting papers. In Mendeley, however, there is no style set for TRR. Thus I created a style, called a CSL file, to be used in Mendeley for TRR papers , following the rules on the TRB website. Below are instructions on how to use it in Word for yourself (taken from the Mendeley blog instructions).


First, here is the file zipped: TRR CSL File for Mendeley

Unzip the file and copy it into the following directory (on your PC):  C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Local\Mendeley Ltd\Mendeley Desktop\citationStyles-1.0

Restart Mendeley Desktop. Select “View” > “Citation Styles” > “More Styles…” and search for “Transportation Research Record”.

The style is now able to selected in Word.


Disclaimer: The CSL file does not automatically do the excessive citation style that TRB suggests for its own TRR papers, but rather treats TRR papers like all other journals. Thus if you want to do what TRB asks for its own papers, you will need to change the bibliography directly in Word.

8 thoughts on “TRR citation style for Mendeley”

  1. Hi Donny,

    I just came across this. do you think I can use this citation style for general TRB paper submission?

    Thank you

      1. The second link does not work for me, could you upload in somewhere else or help me fixing the problem!!

  2. Hi Ross,

    Thank you so much for sharing the citation format with us~! It works great~!
    I used the second one.


  3. This is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing… I’d been trying to find a Mendeley default that matched the TRR formatting with no success.

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