TRB Funding Meeting Thursday November 11thNovember 18th Meeting at AnticosTraffic BowlOpen PositionsTRB Funding Meeting Thursday November 11th ITE will be hosting a meeting Thursday November 11th from 11:00 AM to 12:00PM in SEB 122 on funding for TRB. Food Will be provided To obtain funding for TRB please: 1) Join this meeting 2) Email Ron at if you have a conflict and can not attend on November 11th. 3) Fill out the TRB interest form if you have not done so already. 4) There will be $20 dues charged to those obtaining funding from TRB. Further information on how to pay these dues will be provided. If you are presenting at TRB, you will also be able to obtain funding through SGA. November 18th Social Event at Anticos ![]() This event is within walking distance of campus, but if you need a ride please contact Ron Knezevich at ( Traffic Bowl GAITE is planning to hold a virtual traffic bowl date is TBD, but it will take place during lunchtime in November. The following link from the Texas chapter is a good example of how a virtual traffic bowl will be conducted for students interested: GAITE traffic bowl team members are eligible for all ITE@GT membership benefits without any meeting attendance requirements. If you are interested, please feel free to contact Ron ( positions are opened in ITE at Georgia TechSocial Chair: Planning and coordinating all social activitiesCommunity Service Chair: Planning and coordinating all community service activities ![]() *|IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|* *|LIST:DESCRIPTION|* Our mailing address is: *|HTML:LIST_ADDRESS_HTML|* *|END:IF|* Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. *|IF:REWARDS|* *|HTML:REWARDS|* *|END:IF|* |